Friday, March 30, 2012

Skating in Singapore?!

It's probably no surprise that I've been quite lazy this Spring Break, as after all I have nothing of real importance to do. Aside from homework, which I'll do on Sunday. What else is the Sunday before school resumes for?

Today I went skating with Nick at this place called Kallang Leisure Centre, which is in the east side of Singapore. It was a lot of fun, however I did something rather stupid. I didn't bring my own skates! As weird as it sounds, I actually brought the nice-ish figure skates I bought last winter here to Singapore. But because I didn't want to lug them around, I decided to just wear rental skates. The rental figure skates were much nicer than the hockey skates I rented at The Edge in Bedford. Seriously though, what was the point of bringing ice skates to the tropics if I end up renting skates anyways?! Anyways, there were a decent number of figure skaters training for some competition, who were generally pretty good. There were also some parents teaching their little kids how to skate. In addition, there was this random business man in work slacks and black skates practicing little jumps around the ice. I had a lot of fun. I'm not good at it (any more), but I love skating!

It sure seems like I'm seeing a lot of movies lately- I  saw 'The Lorax' today in a nearly empty theatre. Aside from the random musical numbers, it was quite good. Apparently Taylor Swift and Zac Efron were voicing the main characters, though I could only tell with Efron. 

So now I'm sitting around doing nothing. I think we're taking my aunt to Newton Circus for dinner tonight. That will be interesting, to say the least.

Quote of the Day: 'All our dreams can come true- if we have the courage to pursue them.' ~Walt Disney

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Shopping and Sore Heels

I can't believe it's already Wednesday- in a way, March break is going by very fast. I've lost the first weekend and three days of the week already! It felt like it was going very slowly up until now because I hadn't seen my friends.

Yesterday we went to Mustafa, which is basically this big Indian department store. It sold practically everything you could imagine, and then some really strange stuff. I don't think everything there was super inexpensive, but the stuff I bought was. Among other things, I bought watercolors, cheap paintbrushes, and oil pastels. I'm the best at the pastels, and have had good fun messing around with them this evening. I'm no artist, but I'd like to believe I'm not terrible at art.

Today I went shopping for a prom dress with Flick and Cathryn (the same Cathryn that took me to the Singapore Zoo way back when). It took a lot less time than we anticipated to actually find and purchase it. Before they could start dressing me up like a doll, we had to find shoes for Cathryn. That took a while, mostly because she couldn't find heels that were short enough for her dress. After that, I was dragged into Tangs. Total, I think I tried on about 13-15 dresses. I was looking for a teal dress- but of course that didn't go as planned. After lunch, we went to Far East Plaza. There's this really lovely dress shop in there- more Western cut, but nice regardless. They were just throwing random dresses at me until they handed me this black dress that I ended up buying.

I have photos of it, but I don't know what the custom is about prom dresses at this school. I know at some schools, the date (or potential date) cannot see the dress before prom. Yes, like a wedding dress. But since I don't know the customs here, I will play it safe and not post photos. Sorry :(

After all that shopping (about 4 hours), we parted ways and I headed home. After dropping the dress off and misplacing my keys, I went to meet up with Nick. We saw 'The Hunger Games', which I've been dying to see since I heard they were making the book a movie. It was extremely well-casted to the point it was freaky- at least in Effie's case. So yes, if you're not afraid of a bit of gore, go see it!

Now I'm sitting around being tired and sore. I bought new heels today that I wore out tonight, which was extremely stupid. Serious blisters are never fun. Oh well....

Quote of the Day:  'Here's some advice. Stay alive.' ~Haymitch, The Hunger Games

Monday, March 26, 2012

The 1 am Thing Needs to End

Sorry I haven't been posting in a while- I'm officially on March/Spring Break, and blogging feels like a lot of effort.

I'm really glad that stressful week is over. Everyone was at their breaking points and it was generally not very fun.

On Saturday after dance I ended up going to the movie theatre with my family. We saw 'John Carter', which was a pretty good movie all things considered. It was based of the book, The Princess of Mars which was written like a thousand years ago, explaining the female lead's over-acting and predictable behavior. Generally speaking the graphics were good and the basic concept of the movie was interesting. The ending had a bit of a twist, which is always appreciated in my opinion.

After the movie I ended up on Skype until 1am, at which point my father kicked me off the internet.

Yesterday I woke up extremely late and eventually went shopping with my aunt. After successfully leading her through the underpasses (I'm still not super-confident in those), we ended up at Far East Plaza. I got my nails painted while she wandered around. Heading back home we went to ION, at which I got a nice black Superman t-shirt. My mother expected me to do proper shopping while out with my aunt... oh well.

My family got lucky that it had stopped raining, because we went to the Night Safari. It took us a while to figure out that the animals were different than those at the regular Singapore Zoo (fail). We had fun going around on the tram and walked a few of the trails. There were some really strange and interesting animals there- it's another place I will take people to if they come to Singapore.

 *cough cough  JACKIE, COME TO SINGAPORE! cough cough*

Anyways, we got home around midnight and I ended up in bed around 1:30 am.

I have to spend time with my family until Tuesday. Wednesday through next Sunday is fair game for hanging out with friends, which is a deal I made a while ago with my family. I can't decide if I should be looking forward to Wednesday- I'm going shopping with some friends, but it means that a decent amount of my Spring Break will have slipped away.

Quote of the Day: Imperfection is beauty; madness is genius. - Marilyn Monroe      

Thursday, March 22, 2012

All Hell Broke Loose

I’m just going to start off by saying that I was not the source of the vast majority of the problems that happened today.

School today was pretty relaxed. I ended up watching Kung Fu Panda in Chinese class (with Chinese subtitles), which turned into a debate about the origin of calligraphy and dumplings. Some idiot thought the Japanese invented both. My Chinese pride kicked in around the same time my teacher’s did, and we corrected him. People that stupid scare me. Couldn't do African dance with my ankle still being sore, which was a big disappointment. I really enjoy African dance- I’m terrible at it, but it’s a lot of fun.

Law was nothing to mention, and free was boring. I’m reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn for English class, and I can safely say it’s the hardest book I’ve ever read.  I cannot understand what anyone is saying in that book due to their dialects- Jim is particularly difficult. To be frank,  I think I understand Shakespeare or Homer better. That’s kind of scary considering one is old English and the other is translated from Greek. So, I fell asleep in the roundy-circle-chair thing in the tech office for about an hour. When I woke up, Nick was sitting on the side of the chair and it was time for tech.

Sound had an earlier call than everyone else so we could mic the kids up, which turned into just hanging around the theatre. For a while, everything was ahead of schedule… until we were suddenly 15 minutes late.

This performance of ‘Once on This Island’ was probably the worst night. It was closing night, which is a mixed blessing. I’m quite thankful the show is over- don’t get me wrong. It’s just kind of annoying that performers and techies alike are unable to redeem themselves from this show.

Overall, sound was decent- there were a couple of things, but nothing show stopping. I didn’t screw body mics up too badly or anything. Lights were pretty good too.
But the stage absolutely fell apart. Actors forgot lines, scenery broke and generally failed, mic sound-receiver things fell off, and Mrs. Silverman (teacher-techie) was caught on stage. One actor decided he was going to skip one of his ‘cues’ (to laugh) because he didn’t feel like it, which really messed some people up. Then after the show, a fair number of techies ended up running around trying to collect microphones. There was something really stressful about tonight- I suppose since it was the last night, no one wanted to make mistakes. In their desire to not make mistakes, people were kind of off their game.

 On a completely unrelated topic:

 I keep finding these amazing quotes from songs, movies, books, poems and video games. Apparently, I have nothing better to do than share them on my blog. So, for the very first quote of the day: "My friends are my power.  And I'm theirs!"-Sora, Kingdom Hearts 1

So now I'm tired, and have a presentation/essay due tomorrow that is sort of half-finished at the moment. Tomorrow we get to strike the set and then there's a sort of party at one of the techies' houses. That will  be fun. 

One more day until Spring Break!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Fifth God

I can't remember much of today, except wanting it to be over so I could tech and go home. This morning I watched The Last Samurai very first thing, and pretty much woke up to people dying highly dramatic deaths. It was about as lovely as it sounds...

Today was the second show of On This Island. I must confess, while it's certainly not the greatest show in the world by any standards, I am not sick to death of the songs. They are not overly catchy or generally obnoxious. However, in sound today I made more mistakes than I would have liked. Most volume-mixing related- it's kind of impossible for it to ever sound good unless some of the actors sing louder.

The gods presented me a lot of problems. The Goddess of Love was louder than usual, while the God of Death somehow got even quieter. The God of Water was my only break- The Goddess of Earth had issues with her mic in the beginning of the show. It was an absolutely horrible feeling to have her all ready to go, and then discover I had no signal from her mic. Then midway through the show, it started storming really badly. The first set of thunder sent Nick and I into a panic- we thought we had done something wrong to result in this awful booming noise! But, no. It was really Zeus, the fifth god. And I couldn't mute him XD

Tomorrow is the last day of the show. Then we take the set down on Friday (striking the set) and are officially done with Once on This Island. Thank goodness.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Roller-coaster Ride

I don't even know how I feel about today. It just sort of... happened. 

In law I basically learned how to talk to police and avoid getting my imaginary car searched, which is always useful. Then I did nothing in free and was half asleep in Chinese.

In school, I danced on my healing ankle, which was probably not the smartest thing to do. However, it was group work and I didn’t really do much. If the teacher hadn’t been a guest artist from Rainbow Dance Theatre (he’s amazing), then I probably wouldn’t have danced… but whatever. We did some interesting weight-sharing exercises, which sounds weird. Essentially, it was partner lifts and how to make them look pretty.

After school, I teched my very first show! To be completely honest it was pretty stressful because I didn’t want to miss anyone’s lines. I made two or three mistakes, but none of them were terribly major. Some were kind of embarrassing (I sent some kid’s conversation into the whole dressing room, apparently), but ultimately the audience didn’t hear much that they weren’t supposed to. It’s kind of strange that I have at least 50 tech hours, but haven’t worked an official show yet. I guess it’s kind of based on when I joined tech… go figure.

A lot of stuff has been happening to people lately, and it kills me to watch them all suffer.  As far as I can remember, nothing has really bothered me in the past two months or so.  There have been minor irritations, but nothing to really set me off for about the last month. While I know life happens to people, sometimes I wish it didn’t have to.  I wish I could take their pain from them- it doesn’t matter if it hurts me, I just don’t like knowing they’re hurting and there’s nothing I can really do to stop it. 

I guess I'm going to borrow some song lyrics from the All American Rejects....
'Speak to me- when all you got to keep is strong,
Move along, move along like I know you do.
And even when your hope is gone,
Move along, move along just to make it through.'

Monday, March 19, 2012

Bed Before 11?

Well, this is just a list-post, because I'm too lazy to write out anything properly.

1. Tomorrow is the first night of Once on This Island.
           1a. At tech today, there were a couple of mistakes on my part. Sort of missed a few main's lines.
            1b. But at least I get to wear a black shirt to school tomorrow!
            1c. That show is going to be... interesting. Very... interesting.
            1d. This is actually the first show I'm ever working!
            1e. The next one will be the HS dance show- that I'm dancing in. Don't know how that will work
2. My ankle is getting worse every day.
          2a. Evidently time for Tylenol.
          2b. Maybe I really shouldn't have danced yesterday....
3. I got the vast majority of my homework done that was assigned today.
          3a. Who saw that coming? I mean, seriously. I normally go to bed around 11-12.... ish.
4. I've been dating Nick for a month.
          4a. Yay <3 !
5. I am now going to bed. Good night :D

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Defying Logic

So, if you've got a sprained ankle, you're supposed to rest it, right? Rest, ice, compression, elevation.

Ha. I have successfully done none of the above for my ankle, unless you count this stupid little ankle brace as 'compression'. Then I've done the 'C' in RICE.

Yesterday I went to tech from 10-5, as intended. To be frank, I can't remember most of it except I got to put German surgical tape on actor's faces and necks. I'm pretty certain I'm one of the most hated techies- not only do I deal with the tape, but I was also hooking the receiver thing on a bunch of the female actor's bra straps. Oh well, I don't care if I'm hated by middle schoolers.

And then today, instead of being logical resting again....
I went to Chinese dance today (had an extra lesson) not intending to dance, but to sit and watch. Which I partially did through warm ups and ballet. Then someone brought out the water sleeves for Chinese dance, and I knew I wasn't going to stay on the floor. Water sleeves are one of the most difficult Chinese dance props. Essentially they are 6-7 meter long silk sleeves that one must manipulate. I'm not even certain if it sounds easy... but it's quite difficult to manage. This isn't the first time I've worked with water sleeves, but it's the first time I've ever actually had to look good dancing with them. For some reason, there were only 3 of us in class today. So, the 'nice' teacher worked with us, and the 'mean' teacher only worked with us for about 20 minutes.

This may have been the first time I've had fun at Chinese dance here in Singapore.
I don't have a lot of readers, but if you'd like, please answer this question: Should I drop Chinese dance considering I'm miserable most of the time I'm there? Why or why not?

Thanks. I just want opinions on the topic. Last week I was so certain I'd never go back- but today was different.

My aunt from California flew in at some crazy time this morning. She brought lots of stuff from the USA that we've been missing, like organic tea and good gummi bears. It'll be fun having her here for the next few weeks!

Because being random is cool:

Yeah. Those are my Tokyo photos!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Ninjas Style Pink Wigs?

There are lazy Fridays, and then there was this Friday.

I had to go to the doctor’s this morning, which means I got to school late (during the middle of second period). It was nice to find out that I’ve only ‘mildly sprained’ my ankle/ligament sort of by my ankle. Thankfully, this means I can resume dancing pretty soon after I let it rest and all that song and dance that no one ever does. Anyways, I arrived at school in time to watch my whole dance class take a class from a really cool guest artist. They were doing partner work and it looked like a lot of fun. I wish I had been able to participate.

After dance was lunch, in which I sat around and watched Cat, Nick and Hansen yo-yo. To be honest, I’ve pretty much given up on ever getting good at yo-yo-ing… I’m just doing it occasionally for fun.

Nothing noteworthy happened in Law class, but my free was another story. I went to the tech office and ended up styling a pink wig for the Middle School musical. I’m not certain why, but I’m apparently good at styling wigs (have had a bit of experience, but that not much). So, I sat a few steps away from the tech office for 40 minutes trying to get the stupid thing to curl. See, the wig hadn’t been washed in who knows how long, and there was lots of hairspray already in the wig from previous people styling it. Creating ‘cute little curls’ turned into a huge headache and a loss of all my patience. Eventually I ended up rolling curls, pinning them into place, hairspraying them, and hoping for the best. It was lovely.

Apparently, while I was busy styling the wig, Nick had been trying to find me. I’m not certain exactly how long/far he walked, but I’m under the impression he was searching for me for quite some time. Hansen and Nick’s friend Mike also were part of the search. I found the whole ordeal kind of amusing- if they had bothered to check around the corner of the tech office they would have found me!

Evidently, I’m a ninja.

There was no Middle School rehearsal (!) after school today for some reason, but I didn’t go home. Instead, I hung out with Nick and Mike at Nick’s house.

The only thing I’m going to say is: why do boys like such violent video games?

So now I’m home, and I’m quite glad I’ve gotten myself out of Chinese dance tomorrow. That being said, I’ll be at tech from 10am to 5pm, because everyone knows I don't have a life. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012


There are school days that I enjoy, and then there are school days that I desperately want to end. Today was a strange mixture of both. For once, History of Japan wasn’t a miserable, boring class. I suppose that was because we watched ‘The Last Samurai’ instead of doing any real work. A mildly difficult math class that I actually had to do some thinking in followed that. Sometimes I wish I hadn’t moved down to a lower math- but class today was kind of fun because I got to figure things out. Hopefully I didn’t fail my biology test that I sort of studied for. ‘Sort of’ studying should get me at least a B… his tests really are common sense most of the time. That being said, I finished 20 minutes early, which never feels very good.

After school, I had tech as usual. Middle School musical used to be really boring, but since the show is so close it’s gotten quite interesting. I’m doing sound, and controlling the body microphones on main characters. Body microphones are taped onto the actor’s faces and we turn them up so they can actually be heard. While I’m excited to do sound, I’m also kind of nervous I’ll screw it up and miss a line.

It shouldn't be a surprise to me, but I’m in a decent amount of pain from my stupid ankle/foot. I hope that there isn’t actually severe damage or anything- though I’m not being optimistic on this one. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Oh, what have I done to myself....?

Today was a relaxed day, since my only ‘academic’ classes were Law (naptime) and Chinese. I had dance in the afternoon, which was a lot of fun. This sounds horribly vain, but every time I do hip-hop I surprise myself with how good I actually am at it. Generally, for styles I don’t have a lot of experience in I have low standards for myself, and hip-hop is no exception. However, in class today the teacher actually had me in the front row. It was a nice change.

After school, I re-taught middle schoolers my 30 second choreography piece after watching another girl fail teaching her. The problem with her was that the choreography she had created wasn’t very good at all. So, the kids didn’t look good doing it because she could barely do it herself. Unfortunately, teaching is very difficult because one must do everything over and over again. I was very tired after teaching.

Because I hadn’t danced enough at that point, I skipped tech and went to a two and a half hour Chinese dance class. Apparently we are so behind in learning our dance that we have to take extra classes. I was completely exhausted and didn’t do a very good job. There’s something completely defeating about having the teacher yell, ‘AIYAH! Where are your DIAGONALS, GIRLS?’

Towards the end we learned this really weird movement that makes you land on either your ankle or knee. Since I didn’t want to damage my knee, I started landing on my ankle. It was incredibly unsurprising to me when I hurt myself.

So now, I’m just hoping I haven’t done any serious damage. If I stand up straight and then take a step forwards, there is a distinct feeling of something moving at the front of my ankle. That’s probably not a good thing to be happening when I really, really need to dance. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

It Could Have Been Worse

As usual, I've had a busy couple of days. I'm finally figuring out a balance between schoolwork, tech and dance. I think dance has taken the biggest hit in terms of time spent on it.... I used to dance all the time, but after realising I fit better with the techies, I really started spending less time in the studios. 

There was a very exciting lock-down drill followed by a practice evacuation during first period today. Honestly I always think those are a waste of time because in the event something really happened, no one would actually do the whole 'calm, quick, quiet' thing. There would be running, screaming, and chaos.
It did not delay the poem presentation I had to give in English class today. For some reason, I volunteered to go first to get it over with. Unfortunately, I totally blanked starting my third stanza! The first two were fine, but I was nervous and rushed the last stanza. Hopefully I'll get extra points for being brave enough to go first- and I don't know how hard she's grading. My performance was pretty average in the class, though. There are always people who give amazing performances, and those who go back to their seats in tears because they forgot half the poem. Though I whine and complain like the rest of my class, I actually like memorizing poetry. There's something really calming about it. Reciting it before a class is another matter entirely. 

Dance after school today was actually pretty fun, mostly because the dance is almost done and all we have to do now is memorize it, get formations done, and run it. I'm more worried about the dance I'm teaching to the middle schoolers... it feels like a failure. 

The Middle School musical is coming up, and to be frank I'm not certain how well the show will turn out. I have yet to see them do a full run-through of the show. It will either come together at the last moment... or parts of it will fall upon its face. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Exhausting Weekend

I've had a pretty busy Friday, Saturday and Sunday this week, and it's probably going to be worse next weekend. Glorious. 


Friday was one of those days in which I didn't want to do anything, and yet I had to do a lot of work anyways. Ultimately the day was productive though I lost patience with my lab partner in biology and started laughing at his stupidity. Then I gave him the wrong answers just to watch him struggle. He thinks I'm really thick- though he's the one who sleeps in class. 

After school, I 'teched' two concerts (sat in the booth and poked the 'on' button every now and then), which was very exciting. Actually, I spent the whole time wondering why I was being such a good techie and not ditching. 


Since the Middle School musical is coming up soon, I had to go to tech at 8am. That waking up at 6:30 on a Saturday morning, taking the MRT at 7, and still ending up arriving late. Turns out it didn't really matter, as there was practically nothing to do for sound (because they weren't ready to do anything at full speed). I left early to take a taxi home before dance, which wasn't as horrible as usual because I sort of know enough  of the phrases they use to figure out when I'm doing something wrong. 

Because that wasn't tiring enough, I then had to go babysit for five hours in the evening. Luckily it was an easy family and I pretty much sat around playing Kingdom Hearts for most of it. However, I really hate it when parents tell me 11:30 and come home around 1. I mean, why can't they at least let me know they're running late or some such thing?


I'm pretty certain I woke up at like 11:45 this morning or something. Then I just did stuff around the house for a while, which wasn't interesting. After a while I really needed to get out of the house, so I went to Orchard Road and did some new shopping. Notably, I got a new perfume that I think smells really good. 

Wow, what an exciting, interesting blog post. I'm sorry. Anyways I've been really drained these past couple of days- not something I can afford to linger on too much.

Kingdom Hearts Note:

So I've been playing Kingdom Hearts again recently, and I'm stuck trying to kill Captain Hook.
He's kind of killed me at least 15 times. If anyone plays Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Kony 2012

Recently on the internet, I've noticed there's a lot of KONY 2012 plastered everywhere. I have watched the very sad video online, and have done a bit of research about the cause. Don't get me wrong- I'm against Kony. He is an evil man who needs to be stopped- there's no denying that.

The first thing about Kony 2012 that bothers me is that  there are a decent number of people that hear three words about him and instantly are 'Kony 2012' without really understanding the issue. They just see the video and assume that's all there is to the story. I really wish people would do a bit more research, just so when they have long online arguments with cursing and insults they actually knew what they were talking about. 

Second, the organization backing Kony 2012 is called Invisible Children or something like that. The organization only uses 31% of the money they receive to actually help the cause. It is not a very well-ranked company- I believe it has 2 stars on the Charity Navigator or something like that. In addition, the organization is promoting a violent end to the issues at hand. Considering Kony uses child body guards, it is likely that many children will end up dead in an effort to track him down. This is pretty sad/scary. 

The last thing that's really strange to me is that there is a relatively large international feeling (from what I've heard here in Singapore via the web) that the United States should send troops to stop him. America actually has already. It sent like 100 troops to help train soldiers. The United States cannot always be the superhero of the world, in my opinion. I don't know exactly how I feel about this one, but something strikes me as odd. 

Considering I only really found out about this because of the internet (though I feel like I've heard of this at least once before), I can hardly criticize how much of an internet meme this is to a lot of people. There are a lot of people who are honestly riled up about this and willing to help, and that's great. However, I can't help but to think about how in a few years, to a large number of people, this may just fade into being something on Tumblr or Facebook that they never really felt passionate about.

If people are actually passionate about the issue, good for you. I respect that a lot. But if you don't actually know what this man has done and are just following your friends... well.... it just seems a bit stupid to me.

Here's two of many links about the issue. The first webpage also includes the video. 
I didn't touch on all the issues mentioned in the second article/webpage, only the things that strike me as really odd. 
Please, do your research so you can speak intelligently about the issue before telling all your friends. 

Thank you. 

Nap Time in High School?

Today was another day in which I probably should have stayed home, but refused to do so. My father has caught whatever I've got... sorry Dad.

School wasn't that interesting today, as I didn't really do anything productive. As usual in law class I sat staring into space for the majority of it. However, we started a really interesting documentary called 'Murder on a Sunday Morning' or something like that. So I can't wait for Monday after lunch to continue watching it. When I went to the tech office during break, I was mildy surprised to find a decent number of techies fast asleep. Apparently they just sleep on the couch/in the circle-roundy-chair-thing during their first period free. So naturally during my second-period free I took a nap. It was really nice!

I didn't do any dancing at Dance III class today, but got to watch my classmates dance instead. My video from last class is here.... Oh, it was not my best run through of the piece. Mostly because my music turned off in the end and really, really threw me off. Anyways:

Even as I re-watch it, I am shocked about how creaky the bench was. Oh well. And how I generally sound like I'm falling over. Can't believe I had to dance in shoes, either. GRR. Not happy with this piece, but it was a lot of fun to do and I didn't have a lot of choreography time.

Tech was actually not horrible because the Middle Schoolers kind of learned how to sing louder overnight. Okay, not really, Mr. K just turned the mics up a lot. But either way, I'm hoping the show is starting to sound better.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Be Surprised. Be Very Surprised.

Today was one of those school days that I knew were going to be very long. I'm pretty certain I passed out immediately on the bus and was halfway to falling asleep in the library this morning. Except I didn't, and the day slowly crawled by. Considering that I'm fairly certain I was running a fever today, I did pretty well. Last time I checked, I was still breathing. I also memorized my stupid English class poem.

After school I got to teach middle schoolers Chinese dance. Which while far from being 'enjoyable', was certainly interesting. Turns out if one yells enough they do manage to learn something with relative accuracy. I'm just not going to think about how inflexible they all are, or how they NEVER point their toes. Oh well.

Being the rational individual I am, I went to tech after dance. Middle school musical looks... interesting, at the moment. Mostly because they haven't started full run-throughs and their show is on the 20th. Anyways, I haven't been doing a lot in tech lately because there were no hanging mics to mess around with (I'm on sound). Today, however, the hanging mics were set up and I got to tear my hair out while wondering why middle schoolers can't sing louder. Seriously kids, we want to hear you sing. Because it sounds terrible when you're impossible to hear and there's nothing to distract us from your dancing.

As far as I know, I don't have any homework due tomorrow. Which means today I am slacking off and getting some rest :D

(Note the 'getting some rest' part did not occur. As Nick reminds me at 10:17 pm as I type my homework up.... well... it's not really 'resting')

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bruised Bruises....

I've been meaning to blog for a while, but every time I sit down to start, something distracts me and I end up closing the browser. Half an hour later, I realise this and am very annoyed with myself.

The weekend was pretty fun, considering I had dance and babysitting. I only got screamed at once in dance, which is a decent accomplishment for me. No idea what it was about again, but that's okay. I also babysat a three year old boy on Saturday night and I thought it would be awful- instead he went promptly to sleep and I got to get a lot of homework done. Sunday was nice as well, I watched a movie that I thought was going to be terrible (but wasn't) with Nick and beat him at Set. Set is a really fun game- I think you can find the little online version for free or something like that.

Yesterday was Monday, so it was doomed to only ever reach 'mediocre' on my ratings. I can't even remember what I did at the moment- if I remember properly, it was a decent amount of running up and down stairs for practically no reason at all.

Today was a really busy physical-activity/dance day. I didn't kill myself doing alternative spaces in dance, which is pretty surprising considering I inverted myself on a railing. That and I was swinging from the banister at one point... dance can be so much fun. Except for the serious blisters, but that's nothing I haven't seen before. Something I probably should stop going to is Floor Hockey, and it's not because I don't enjoy it. Weirdly enough, I've started liking running around after a little green ball with a potentially lethal hockey stick held incorrectly in my hands. It's that dance (with the theme 'addiction to love') is directly afterwards. I like dancing and all, but contemporary dance is brutal (knee jumps, knee slides, weird falling over things, lifts....). That and I don't feel like I fit in the with dancers anymore. Everything they were saying made sense and all- it just didn't really apply to me or my life now. I'm glad I'm out of that bubble.

On another note, I started getting a cough yesterday and it didn't go away. Upon taking my temperature, it appears I have a slight fever. Which is annoying, because it means I'm sick again. In high school, no one has time to be sick. It was really, really difficult to make up one the school days that I missed- so I don't intend to take time off unless I start dying.

If I die from this cold, bury me in gothic lolita :)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Absolutely Nothing

When a student attends school, it is safe to say that the student is supposed to learn something at said school. However today I had about 4 hours of free time, and it was lovely.

My first period law class was let out because of these debate competitions currently going on. Then, I had break. Followed by a free period. Followed by lunch. And then a Chinese test that was surprisingly easy. Dance was after that. I was a horrible person and ditched the two girls I was working with in favour of a solo. It's an alternate space piece based around a bench, staircase, and door with 'caution, do not enter' written on it. Hopefully I'll get a video of it someday to post here. Surprisingly enough, I did not fall off the stairs or break the bench while dancing. That is an accomplishment if you ask me.

After school today, loads of techies went and celebrated Cat's birthday. Cat is a master of the stage and a really cool person. She also went to Japan with me. Anyways, a decent number of people went just to get cupcakes. Some people stayed and sort of helped with tech (me) before realising there were too many techies and very little to do. Somehow a bunch of us ended up sitting in the tech office watching a rather old movie that was a sort of parody to Jaws. 'Sitting' is a loose definition of what I was doing- Nick and I played 'how-do-the-two-of-us-sit-on-the-circle-chair'. Two friends of ours who are dating have it down to a science- however, Nick and I don't.

This watch-a-movie fest turned into a let's-order-pizza thing, in which we got Pizza Hut and sat around watching Hetalia. Apparently there are a lot of techies who watch Hetalia now- I am proud of myself for addicting more people to such a time-wasting and yet completely amusing show. Alright, I know that really isn't anything to be proud of. But whatever.

The MRT home was really quiet and more empty than I have ever seen it before. Apparently people have things to do on Friday night that do not involve taking public transportation. Either way- it was kind of strange for the train to be so silent!

Yesterday after school I went to a really neat little yo-yo shop named Spin Works. Nick and I got our friend  Cat a joint gift- a quite nice yo-yo. She really liked it when we gave it to her today and played with it during tech.